Who takes the tests?

The TOEFL test is designed to measure an individual’s ability to understand and use English in an
academic environment. Globally more than 27 million people have taken the TOEFL test to demonstrate
their English-language proficiency. The average English skill level ranges between intermediate and
advanced, and the test is required by:

Students planning to study at a higher education institution in the USA or UK,
English-language learning program admissions and exit,
Scholarship and certification candidates,
English-language learners who want to track their progress,
Students and workers applying for visa. 


热烈祝贺欧乐威学生William 在今年5月28日托福考试中取得96分的好成绩。他在写给老师Matt的邮件中说,'You helped me greatly improving my listening'. Listening was his strongest mark. 



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